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How to Put Together a Business Plan That Isn’t Boring

I don’t know about you but when I used to hear the word business plan I would cringe. You too right? You’re probably thinking of pages upon pages of statistics, graphs and boring stats and numbers. Picture this, (pre COVID times) you’re sitting across the desk from a bank officer and you’re nervously reaching for your business plan to push it across the desk in hopes of getting approved for a loan. 

I honestly can’t think of anything I like less than to have to piece together that kind of stiff, formal boring business plan. If you’re like me and know the importance of having a business plan but don’t like the idea of the old way of doing things, then stick around, let’s spice things up a bit.

A Better Way to Plan

What if I told you, you could create your business plan with ease in a way that is fun and actually makes sense to you. In fact, you can add as many colorful photos and inspirational quotes as you’d like to any business plan, speaking of adding. Inside our membership Six-Figure Business Booster, we give you access to templates & tools that are plug n play + filled with prompts to help you get unstuck on that biz task and move forward building your online empire.

Assuming you’re here to do just that, let’s talk about turning that business dream of yours into a reality. While a vision board helps us to plan out what we would like for our life, we can use that same mindset to reframe the business plan creation process. Think about what you would like to plan out for your business first by collecting images that represent your dreams and aspirations, this way you’ll have a constant reminder of where it is you plan on taking your business. This can even help you stay motivated and connected to your why when things get tough. 

Maybe you want to spend more time with your family and friends or finally go on that dream vacation. What about that gorgeous little number you saw at the mall. Treat yo self. These are all great things to put on a vision board but for your business plan, these images will look a little different. Find images of what you want your business to represent, take a look at not just dollar signs and money bags, but images that tie back to the feeling of your brand. 

Don’t think any of these things belong in a traditional business plan? Nope, think again! This is what I like to call your business vision plan. Having one of these is critical to your long-term success. Without being able to visualize your dreams, it’s nearly impossible to remain focused and on track when it comes to business growth, but with this new twist on a business plan it’ll be easy.

The Reason This Works 

I know it may feel hard to shift our thinking to trying something like this, most of us were taught that business had to be all about numbers and stats, so we took our imagination and creativity out of it. But when it comes to making money especially in our business we have to be able to visualize and create a picture of what we want the future to look like. From here you’ll be able to look at something like the Business Plan Template that we give you inside SFBB to complete your mission statement, SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and financial projection planning required to make your business plan complete.

It’s no secret that some of the most successful people in the world have a routine that consists of visualizing, meditating, or practicing positive affirmations around their goals. Incorporating this into what I like to call your Millionaire Morning routine can help you to clarify your dreams and keep your goals front of mind. Every Monday over on my Instagram story @jodikayedwards I share a few ways to help you hold a powerful vision for the rest of your week. This type of visualization allows you to see exactly what you’re working for.

This Business Vision Plan is a great motivator and tool to use to give your business a little boost. Selecting your imagery is a great place to start. When you’re ready to access our extensive library of business growth training, coaching sessions, tools and templates then Six-Figure Business Booster may actually be the place for you! Month to month, cancel at any time!

Try it here and download your Business Plan Template in our downloadables section!

ABOUT//Jodi-Kay Edwards is a mindset and business coach for entrepreneurs who want to master the strategy and technology behind building a profitable online business, without the overwhelm. Read More

Additional Resources

MAGIC RESOURCE REPORT// Your weekly strategy spell for creating MAGIC & momentum in your business. Each week you’ll receive a weekly strategy tip like this one, right inside your inbox so you can search for guidance and refer back to when you need it, as well as mindset hacks to help you profit from your purpose. Sign up here.

ALIGNMENT IS THE NEW HUSTLE: STRATEGIES FOR THE SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR// Our private Facebook Group where we share business + mindset strategies. Request to join here.

ALIGNMENT IS THE NEW HUSTLE PODCAST: CEO SECRETS// Tune in every Monday to give your brain a boost! Tune in here.