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Why You Should Hire A Team For Your Small Business

A common piece of advice you’ll hear from someone who is already where you want to be is that you can’t get to the top alone. If you’re looking to grow your business, it’s vital that you hire a team who can support you so you can stay focused on the important money-generating activities! If there is a task you don’t enjoy doing such as social media branding, content creation, hashtag research, Facebook group management, advertising or even closing sales there is someone out there who loves doing that and can probably do it a lot better than you can….no offense. Personally, I love staying in my top three zones of genius since I have a lot! Here are a few reasons why hiring a team is a smart investment that will help you reach your financial goals faster. 

There Are Only 24 Hours in Your Day

I know, I know, we all have to same hours in the day as Queen B, but Beyonce has a team of talented people that helped her get to the top and stay there. If you ever find yourself saying you don’t have enough time in the day, then it’s time to hire a team member. Take note of the important tasks that need to get done and see where you can outsource this work. Start small, look into getting a Virtual Assistant to take care of the administrative tasks whether this is five hours a week or five hours a month. This small shift alone can help you to see a greater return on your investment. 

There is Only One Of You

You can’t clone yourself and trying to get it done alone puts a strain on you and the quality of work you’re able to provide for your clients or customers. When you’re wearing all the hats in your business as the copywriter, customer service specialist, bookkeeper, sales team, and delivering the services/putting together the deliverables you’re limiting your potential to how much money you can generate in your business. When there is only one of you trying to do it all you’re missing out on all the opportunities and level-ups that really, only you can take on. Delegating this year has allowed me to improve my client/customer journey which is an important business pillar you need to spend time strengthening if you want to scale.

Technology and Industry Changes Get More Manageable

Technology is great but who has time to learn all the various forms of technology you need to efficiently run your online or offline business. The same thing with the algorithms, they are always changing. Who wants to lose out on money to be made just because Instagram updated the way your content gets viewed. Taking the time to learn all aspects of your business is important and sometimes it’s hard to let tasks go, however when that time costs you money it’s time to start looking at alternative options to keep things moving. 

Giving up control in your business can be intimidating, but if you have a business plan and know exactly what tasks need to be tackled, outsourcing and delegating get’s a lot easier. I couldn’t have scaled my business to six-figures if I didn’t outsource. I hired my first team member using Acadium. You have to start somewhere and this also helped me find my own unique management style which was actually featured on their blog! You can read all about my leadership approach to mentorship right here.

This resource was a game-changer for me. Looking to hire your first team member? Consider using Acadium! When you use my affiliate code you’ll save yourself some money. See my full list of resources to help you scale your business to Six-Figures here.

If you’re looking for a detailed plan of action to help you identify which activities in your business you should focus on and which ones you can outsource, then the Six-Figure Business Blueprint is the answer to your outsourcing woes! This tool is filled with checklists, guidelines and a simplified process to help you call in higher cash months to help you embody, energize and earn! Download it for just $1 here.

ABOUT//Jodi-Kay Edwards is a mindset and business coach for entrepreneurs who want to master the strategy and technology behind building a profitable online business, without the overwhelm. Read More

Additional Resources

MAGIC RESOURCE REPORT// Your weekly strategy spell for creating MAGIC & momentum in your business. Each week you’ll receive a weekly strategy tip like this one, right inside your inbox so you can search for guidance and refer back to when you need it, as well as mindset hacks to help you profit from your purpose. Sign up here.

ALIGNMENT IS THE NEW HUSTLE: STRATEGIES FOR THE SUCCESSFUL ENTREPRENEUR// Our private Facebook Group where we share business + mindset strategies. Request to join here.

ALIGNMENT IS THE NEW HUSTLE PODCAST: CEO SECRETS// Tune in every Monday to give your brain a boost! Tune in here.